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Signs It's Time to Replace Your AC Unit: Expert Advice from Shakley Mechanical

replacing ac units

When the summer heat arrives in Ashland and Mansfield, Ohio, a reliable and efficient air conditioning system is essential for your comfort. However, AC units, like any other appliance, have a limited lifespan. Over time, wear and tear can lead to decreased performance and increased energy consumption. To help you recognize the signs, Shakley Mechanical, your reputable HVAC repair and installation company serving the area, has compiled this guide on when it's time to replace your AC unit. Read on to learn more about the key indicators and why choosing the right HVAC contractor is crucial for a smooth replacement process.

Rising Energy Bills

One of the first signs that your AC unit may need replacement is a sudden increase in your energy bills. As units age, they become less efficient, causing them to work harder and consume more energy to achieve the desired cooling. If you've noticed a significant spike in your energy costs and have ruled out other factors, it might be time to consider replacing your air conditioning system with a more energy-efficient model.

Frequent Repairs

Are you constantly calling for AC repairs? If your unit requires frequent repairs and the costs are piling up, it may be more cost-effective to replace the unit altogether. A reliable HVAC technician from our team can assess the condition of your AC unit and provide expert advice on whether repair or replacement is the best course of action.

Inconsistent Cooling

Is your AC system struggling to maintain consistent temperatures throughout your home? Uneven cooling or warm spots may indicate underlying issues with your unit. While some problems can be resolved through repairs, older units may have limitations that prevent them from evenly distributing cool air. Upgrading to a new AC unit can improve comfort and ensure consistent cooling across your living space.

Age of the AC Unit

Air conditioning units typically last around 10-15 years, depending on usage and maintenance. If your AC system is approaching or has exceeded its expected lifespan, it's wise to start planning for a replacement. Older units are more prone to breakdowns, decreased efficiency, and a lack of compatibility with newer technologies. We at Shakley Mechanical can guide you through the selection process, helping you choose a modern, energy-efficient AC unit that suits your specific needs.

Costly Refrigerant Recharges

If your AC unit uses outdated refrigerants like R-22 (Freon), you may face increasing costs to recharge or repair leaks. Due to environmental concerns, R-22 has been phased out, making it expensive and hard to obtain. Upgrading to a new AC unit that uses the environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant can not only save you money on repairs but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable environment.

Recognizing the signs that it's time to replace your AC unit is crucial to ensure optimal comfort, energy efficiency, and cost savings in your Ashland or Mansfield, Ohio, home. If you've experienced rising energy bills, frequent repairs, inconsistent cooling, or have an aging AC unit, contacting us at Shakley Mechanical is the first step toward a smooth and hassle-free AC replacement. Their team of HVAC experts will guide you through the process, helping you select a modern, energy-efficient unit that meets your specific needs and budget. Don't wait until your AC system breaks down—take proactive steps to maintain a cool and comfortable home environment.

Call Shakley Mechanical today to schedule a consultation and learn more about replacing your air conditioning unit. Remember, at Shakley Mechanical, we are your trusted HVAC partner, committed to delivering quality service and expertise in Ashland and Mansfield, Ohio.


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